Friday, August 13, 2010

Welcome to the neighborhood

It's hard to keep up with everything we've been doing. Right now things are sort of sporadic, and quick-ish.

Carpet has been removed from 3 out of 4 rooms, what are some "green" ways to dispose of, or potentially up cycle? old, gross carpet? the padding?
Below the carpet, original hardwoods! but... they've been painted on!

In any case, the most environmentally thing to do would be refinish the existing floors. They're not amazing, but they're decent. We could certainly make them work, so long as they're salvageable. So we'll have a professional out to give us his thoughts on that. If it looks as though it would be substantially cheaper and/or easier to replace them well likely put bamboo in over top of the wood.

Out back we got the yard secured enough for the chickens.

So they're happy, and handling what few kitchen scraps (being that we have no water or power) we manage to come up with until we're able to set up a compost.

Yes, we have no power. Not by choice, there's just work that needs to be done, that hasn't been done yet. Then it has to be inspected by the city (on their schedule) before that can be turned on, but we're lucky enough to have an amazing friend that's been generously sharing a bed in the a/c (with access to running water and electricity to boot!) with us so we don't have to suffer the 90+ degree nights.

Now, I'm off to post on craigslist in search of used privacy fence panels. 

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